It Is Time To Become the QUEEN YOU were created to be!

Become the woman that God created from the foundations of the world. Let me teach you how to increase self confidence and  be a woman of value and a true diamond. It is high time you make an impact in your generation that will be felt for generations unborn.

This is an image of Ebbie by a fountain

Are you ready to become the Queen God created you to be

You Were Created for A Time Like This !

Have you ever felt like you are worthless and are not good enough? Do you feel like everyone is getting all the blessings and being used mightily by God and God cannot use someone like you because you have nothing to offer? Like your voice doesn’t carry weight and does not matter?

I know it may sometimes feel like that but the truth is you were intricately moulded by God and trust me right now He is using you but the truth is that you don’t yet recognise it. Honestly my dear, you have so much to offer and your voice definitely matters.

God has a plan for your life and the reason He brought you to this earth is that you are supposed to be an instrument in His hands so that He can bring the True light into this world . God wants to use you to make a difference in this world, only if you are submissive and are willing to work with Him.

One thing I know about God is that when we give up our plans for what God wants, we never regret it because the mighty miracle God releases to us is just mind blowing.

God wants you to Arise and Shine because it is only when you come up higher and shake off all those depression and negativity the enemy brought to you that you will be able to shine. Trust God and He will empower you to become that woman of value and influence.

It’s time to stop second guessing and just allow God to use you to bring about the glory of God in this generation like never before.

Sounds nice, but how do you get there? I can help you.

Helping Women Arise Into Greatness !

You may have felt like your life is worthless and you feel stuck and the devil may even be whispering to you lies generated from the pit of hell. Fear not my darling because if we look back through the scriptures, we can see many occasions when God used women to effect changes and to make an impact in their generation. From the likes of Deborah to Ruth, Esther, Miriam, Mary, Lydia, Mary Magdalene and so much more.

Even in our time, we can see God uses women mightily and my darling you can be a strategic instrument in the hand of God if only you will position yourself well. My dear, it is time to arise and shine in your generation.

The devil knows that women are instrumental in bringing change and causing a revolution and I believe this is one reason he is fighting women in so many areas. If it is not relationship, it is health, family, career and so much more but I need you to have the confidence that satan has been defeated and he is under your feet because since you are a child of the most high GOD you know that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You serve a God who is stronger and mightier than any situation so fix your crown and walk like the queen you were destined to be.

It is my heart desire that as we walk together on this journey, you will arise and become the woman of value that the world is waiting to see. I will be so joyful when you finally become that diamond that God has created you to be from the foundation on the world and most importantly, you will make an impact in your generation and leave a legacy for your children and for your great grand children and even for generations that are yet unborn.

Are you ready to become a diamond?


Empowerment through Clarity

Personalised Faith Centred Approach

Accountability and Progress

Personal Development for Growth

Ready to get your S.H.I.N.E

Enter your details below and I will send you a weekly motivational instalment email so you can Seek His Light, Harness Your Strength, Inspire Others, Nurture Your Faith and Embrace Your Purpose.


Personal Coaching

I help Christian women quit the chaos and figure out where they need to be and make a plan to get there.

My aim with personal coaching is to help you become the woman of value and a diamond woman that God has destined for you to become from the foundation of the world.

During our coaching, we would be work closely together and deal with blockages and other things that is stopping you from shining like a diamond that you truly are.

Group Coaching

If you are not quite ready to commit to personal and tailored coaching, you can still work with me by being part of my group coaching program. This take place online so it fits your lifestyle and commitments.

I also run some events which could form part of group coaching that you can be part of. With Group coaching, you get the benefit of bouncing off ideas from each other and being part of a supportive community. It is truly time for you to arise and step into your role as a Royal Queen.

Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain,
But a woman who fears the Lord [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised.


Hey Beautiful, I'm Ebbie

Life is full of choices, as a life coach I will help you find the right one for you.

We are constantly bombared by situations that require us to make decisions and sometimes this is the most difficult thing as we do not want to make a mistake, so  as a dedicated life coach, I’m here to guide you towards the choices that align with your faith, values, and aspirations. Together, we’ll embark on a transformative journey, where I’ll provide you with personalised support and practical tools to uncover the path meant just for you.

Let’s navigate life’s twists and turns, ensuring that each step you take is a step closer to the purposeful and fulfilling life you’ve always envisioned. With faith as our compass, we’ll embrace the power of choices and create a future filled with joy, abundance, and spiritual alignment. Your journey towards a more intentional life starts now. 🌱🌼🌿

A podcast to Inspire

Want to learn more about becoming a diamond?

Dymund Lyfe Podcast is your essential guide to unlocking your inner diamonds! 🎙️ Join us as we journey with Christian women, igniting their inner gems through insightful discussions and empowering insights.

This podcast is tailored to help you unearth the diamonds hidden within you. From faith-centred perspectives on modern challenges to practical life strategies, we’ll cover it all. Tune in for relatable conversations that inspire, uplift and transform you.

Let’s embrace a simple yet empowering path to reveal your true sparkle.


This will be the foundations of our working relationship together !

Discovering Your True Identity

Finding The Reason For Your Being


Develop Your Bouncebackability

Building Better interconnection

Rewiring Your Mindset

Embrace Your Diamond Season

Hear What They're Saying!

Praise Reports

I stood up and carried on with life because of you Ebbie. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you and your coaching. You really went out of your way to help me out of Loneliness and depression.

I really thank God for your life. When everyone turned their backs on me, through you and your incredible support and coaching I stood up again.


Science Teacher

Life can be tough sometimes, I have been depressed and felt like giving up on my dreams but after I contacted Ebbie, we worked closely together for a while.

I followed through with her coaching and implemented her instructions and now I have gotten a renewed HOPE. Thank you so much Coach Ebbie for awakening my dreams."


Business Owner

Ebbie is such an amazing and passionate coach. She has great communication skills and is an avid listener who makes you feel heard. Ebbie is always positive and encouraging. She is always willing to help and wears her heart on her sleeve.

Ebbie is very liable and puts her 100% into coaching. Through her coaching, I have been able to find my path and started working towards achieving my goals. I'll definitely recommend Ebbie to my friends for coaching.



All things are possible if you would only BELIEVE. We have been called to be a co-worker with Christ, so it is time to pick up your work gear and get to work !

Ready to get your S.H.I.N.E

Enter your details below and I will send you a weekly motivational instalment email so you can Seek His Light, Harness Your Strength, Inspire Others, Nurture Your Faith and Embrace Your Purpose.