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This is the thumbnail showcases Ebbie and some words which ties to the latest podcast episode where Ebbie talks about the 2 times she almost died but God healed her.

I almost died…… Until

This is the story of how the enemy sent attacks on my health and through it all God healed me. Despite being at the point of death, my faith did not fail me and in this story, I share some strategies that helped me too.

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This is the featured image of the post about the power of prayer

How to become the Queen God wants you to be

The Secret Weapon for Defeating Insecurity Living in the society today, a lot of young women struggle with insecurity, self doubt, fear and the lies from the enemy that stops them from fulfilling their potentials. The pressures from social media, the culture and even your inner Critics make it very difficult and you begin to feel inadequate and unworthy. In this post, we will the sharing the life changing power of prayer which will help you overcome the lies of satan, defeat self doubt, become more confident so that you will become that Queen God created you to be. What is Prayer Prayer is communicating with the Father in heaven, the God who sees, the creator of all flesh and everything on this earth. Ebbie – Dymund Lyfe Limited If you are more of an audio person, click on the player below to listen to the podcast by your favourite

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This is the thumbnail showcases Ebbie and some words which ties to the latest podcast episode where Ebbie talks about the 2 times she almost died but God healed her.

The times that I almost died……. But

Imagine the devil shooting an arrow and expecting that I would have died but I thank God that we serve Jehovah the doctor who shocked them when I arose from that sick bed, not once but twice. Introduction This life that we live is a battleground especially as a woman of God. We face so many challenges that arise to test our faith and our resilience but we do not fear because we know that God will not allow that which we cannot handle to come to us and even in the same challenge, He will make a way of escape for us. So know that if it comes to you, it is to build your faith and God knows that you can overcome it. I went through some seasons in my life that even though I started off as a young vibrant Christian woman, arrows were shot at me

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